Our ancestors farmed in many locations with many varying products. Those locations included Italy, Germany, Switzerland, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Indiana, Maryland, Ohio and Illinois.We have lived on our farm in western Loudoun County since 1998. As ex-teachers we both want to pass on to the next generation how our food can be grown with new techniques, as well as the old ways. We grow most of our products using minimal sprays which are organic, but not certified. We make every attempt to live with our animal friends in a way which does not impact their environment. Our website will hopefully answer all of your questions. It includes a way to contact us as well as a way to keep you informed as to what produce is ready for you to pick or purchase. We do not charge either an admission or annual fee. You will only pay for what you choose to either pick yourself or, for some items/produce that we have picked for you. We will consider delivery for special requests such as the home bound or elderly.
We also assist families with genealogy research. It is part of the family traditions.
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